Thursday, April 8, 2010

Teens, Sex and the Destruction of America

This country is in a world of trouble. The signs are all around us. And little of it has to do with threats from the outside. It's internal. Everyday. Everywhere.

Consider this:

Mississsippi: A young lesbian woman seeks permission to wear a tuxedo and take her companion to the high school prom. The school district denies her requests, then cancels the prom after the American Civil Liberties Union in Mississippi sues on behalf of the young woman. The American Humanist Association, whose mission is to promote "good without God," offers to donate $20,000 to finance an alternative prom. The Mississippi ACLU rejects the offer because Southern Baptist might be offended by a donation from an atheist group.

Virgina: A man walks around his home nude and is seen from the sidewalk by passers-by. He is accused of indecent exposure because prosecutors said he intended to be seen. The man is convicted in district court, but wins on appeal. He racked up thousands of dollars in legal bills.

Wisconsin: Teachers are warned by a prosecutor that if they discuss the proper use of contraceptives during sex education classes they face "possible criminal liability," although a new state law allows such lessons.

America: Among teenagers who aged out of foster care, only half were employed by their mid-20s; six in 10 men had been convicted of a crime; three in four women with children of their own were receiving some form of public assistance, and only 6 in 100 former foster care kids had completed a community college degree.

It makes you wonder.

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